Over the past six months one of the networks I support utilizes MDaemon as a groupware solution which works quite well. For our small organization it scales quite fine (just under 100 users). The only problem has been synching between a palm Tungsten T2 and Outlook.
At the time of this writing, the latest software for all is being used. I can't recall the palm software. MDaemon 8.1.3 and Connector 2.0.4 both of which run pretty smooth. There is one central shared calendar that is used as a "diary" for the entire school day. These events/entries are set to be editable by the owner, and two office administrators. Somewhere along the line, the synching of the palm seemed to be causing the wiping of any entered data. The first thought may be "Ah HA!, Your configuration is set to have the palm over-ride any settings!" but this is not the case. In fact, there doesn't seem to be any case for it. Very difficult to explain. The only thought I have is that the particular laptop these synchs were coming from ended up being on a computer in an old domain, and the mail server is in a new domain (with the same name).
Personally, I don't see how it could be anymore than operator error as there is nothing in the logs to suggest otherwise.
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